================== Database Structure ================== The data base is formed of 4 tables that end users will query. * **points**: Contains all data that has a single value with a single coordinate pair (e.g. snow depths). * **layers**: Contains all data that has a depth component associated to a single coordinate pair (e.g. density profiles). * **images**: Contains all rasters and any query for a raster tile should be done here. * **sites**: Contains all the pit site details. There are other tables available, but they are auto-generated to support the 4 tables above. These other tables are: * geography_columns * geometry_columns * spatial_ref_sys * raster_columns * raster_overviews Points Table ============= The `points` table contains any data that can be described by a single coordinate pair and a single value. Examples of this type of data includes: * snow depths * GPR SWE * GPR two way travel * GPR Depth This table is mapped to python with :class:`snowex_db.data.PointData`. At a minimum an single entry in python would be similar to the following: .. code-block:: python PointData(value=52, easting= 758635.01, northing=4325308.56, type='depth') This table has the following columns: * date - Date data was collected * easting - UTM projected coordinate in the east direction in meters * elevation - Elevation at the site or acquisition in meters * equipment - String indentifying more info about the instruments used * geom - GIS software friendly version of the coordinates of where the data was collected in UTM. * id - Unique identifier that is automatically assigned when uploaded * instrument - Name of the instrument used to collect the data * latitude - Geographic northing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees * longitude - Geographic westing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees * northing - Northing coordinate projected in UTM in meters * site_id - Unique identifier to pit location * site_name - Name describing the general survey area ( e.g. Grand Mesa) * observers - Name of the people who acquired the data * time - Time (MST) that the data was collected * time_updated - Time this entry was last modified * type - Name of the data collected * units - Units of the data collected * utm_zone * value - Value of the data collected * version_number Layers Table ============ The `layers` table contains all data that can be described by a single coordinate pair, a depth in the snowpack, and a single value. This means that a single entry in the Layers table is a single layer from a vertical profile. Examples of this data include: * density profiles * SMP * SSA * temperature * Hand hardness This table is mapped to python with :class:`snowex_db.data.LayerData`. At a minimum an single entry would be similar to the following: .. code-block:: python LayerData(value='300', depth=30, easting= 758635.01, northing=4325308.56, type='density') **NOTE**: All values in this table are stored as strings to accommodate a wide range of data. This table contains the following columns: * bottom_depth * comments * date - Date data was collected * depth - Depth in centimeters in the snowpack that the data was collected * easting - UTM projected coordinate in the east direction in meters * elevation - Elevation at the site or acquisition in meters * geom - GIS software friendly version of the coordinates of where the data was collected in UTM. * id - Unique identifier that is automatically assigned when uploaded * instrument - Name of the instrument used to collect the data * latitude - Geographic northing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees * longitude - Geographic westing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees * northing - Northing coordinate projected in UTM in meters * sample_a - 1 of potentially three samples that could have been taken for this measurement, e.g. density * sample_b - 1 of potentially three samples that could have been taken for this measurement, e.g. density * sample_c - 1 of potentially three samples that could have been taken for this measurement, e.g. density * site_id - Unique identifier to pit location * site_name - Name describing the general survey area ( e.g. Grand Mesa) * observers - Names of the people performing the acquisition * time - Time (MST) at the beginning of acquisition * time_created - Time this entry was uploaded * time_updated - Time this entry was last modified * type - Name of the data collected * units - Units of the data collected * utm_zone - UTM Zone * value - Value of the data collected Images Table ============ The `images` table contains all rasters. Its not called rasters because the tables named raster are reserved keywords for postgis. Examples of this include: * DEMS * UAVSAR products * Lidar acquisitions This table is mapped to python with :class:`snowex_db.data.ImageData`. At a minimum an single entry in python would be similar to the following: .. code-block:: python ImageData(raster=, type='depth') This table contains the following columns: * date - Date data was collected * description - Any notes to add * id - Unique identifier that is automatically assigned when uploaded * instrument - Name of the instrument used to collect the data * raster - Raster data in Well Known Binary Format (WKB) best generated using `raster2psql` in the command line * site_id - Unique identifier to pit location * site_name - Name describing the general survey area ( e.g. Grand Mesa) * observers - Names of the people or organization that acquired the data * time_created - Time this entry was uploaded * time_updated - Time this entry was last modified * type - Name of the data collected * units - Units of the data collected Sites Table =========== The sites table contains all the details regarding pit site details. This table is formed exclusively from the `SiteDetails.csv` files that were provided with `stratigraphy.csv` and `density.csv` files. This table is mapped to python with :class:`snowex_db.data.SiteData`. This table has a lot of columns. They are: * air_temp - Air temperature in degrees C at time of digging the pit * aspect - Slope Aspect in degrees from north * date - Date data was collected * easting - UTM projected coordinate in the east direction in meters * elevation - Elevation at the site or acquisition in meters * geom - GIS software friendly version of the coordinates of where the data was collected in UTM. * ground_condition - Description of the surface below snow * ground_roughness - A description of how rough the surface below the snow is * ground_vegetation - Description of the vegetation below snow * id - Unique identifier that is automatically assigned when uploaded * latitude - Geographic northing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees * longitude - Geographic westing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees * northing - Northing coordinate projected in UTM in meters * precip - Description of the precip during pit digging * site_id - Unique identifier to pit location * site_name - Name describing the general survey area ( e.g. Grand Mesa) * site_notes - Any special site specific notes * sky_cover - Description of the cloud cover * slope_angle - Angle of the slope in degrees * time - Time (MST) acquisition began * time_created - Time this entry was uploaded * time_updated - Time this entry was last modified * total_depth - Snow depth at location in centimeters * tree_canopy - Description of the tree canopy at location * utm_zone - UTM zone * vegetation_height - Estimated vegetation height * weather_description - Brief description of the weather during acquisition * wind - Description of the wind during acquisition